Aitor Morales



Video Game

  • ROLE

    Game Designer

  • DATE

    SEP 2020


    Winner of the SGD Jam II in the Mechanics Category.



Blaster Buds is a cute grid based puzzle game set in the vacuum of space. Your opponent mirorrs your actions; when you move it moves, and when you shoot it shoots. Fend yourself in a duel of wits in which the environment will decide who wins and who falls.



The game was developed for the Spain Game Devs Jam II that took place in September of 2020; the objective was to create a game based on the thematic word "duel" in seven days. Our team, which was composed of five members (two artists, a game programmer, a music producer, and a game designer) started by drawing out ideas. After a couple of hours of brainstorming we decided to go with Blaster Buds. The main questions we asked were, does the game fit the theme? is it simple enough to scale? and most importantly, do we have time and knowledge to develop this idea with the resources we have available?

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